During the first visit, we will :
Provide you with information about what to expect from the counseling process and what future sessions will look like.
Address our ethical standards through talking about our informed consent and privacy policy.
Talk with you about confidentiality and it’s limitations. To understand more about confidentiality, please visit our page here.
Start building a bond with you to form a strong therapeutic relationship and help you understand your role in the process. It takes time to build trust in your counselor, so we will make an extra effort to build re-pour with the individual, couple, or family coming for counseling.
Review your intake documentation, ask questions regarding the information you provided, and work to understand your presenting concerns.
Typical questions asked: Why are you seeking counseling? Are you taking any medication? Have you seen a counselor before? How have you coped with the problem so far or what things have you done to make the problem better? What would life look like if your presenting concern didn’t exist? What are you hoping to gain from the counseling process? Do other relationships contribute or help the problem?
Complete a mental health assessment to gain a complete picture of what is going on with you looking at all physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects contributing to your concerns. This assessment will help find your strengths, areas where you desire to change or improve, and the ways you’ve coped along the way. Please note: It may take several sessions to gain a complete picture of the client and complete this assessment.
Evaluate our findings, review any significant findings with you, and share any significant mental health diagnosis found.
Design goals around your presenting concerns and information found in your assessment to help you reach your mental health goals. This will become our road map for the counseling process and how we will know when we’ve reached our goals.
Form a collaborative relationship with you to achieve your goals. To understand more about the collaborative relationship, click here.